Source code for exploitOutput

import pandas as pd

[docs] def getSimultaneosChargeDischarge(esM, compName, threshold=0.0): """ Get operation time series in which simultaneous charging and discharging occurs. :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: EnergySystemModel class instance :param compName: component name :type compName: string :param threshold: threshold for check of simultaneous operation |br| * the default value is 0.0 :type threshold: float :return: simultaneousOperation: Dictionary with region as keys and pd.DataFrame as value, in which timesteps with simultaneous charge and discharge are listed. :rtype simultaneousChargeDischarge: dict """ simultaneousOperation = {} for ip in esM.investmentPeriodNames: storageModel = esM.componentModelingDict["StorageModel"] tsCharge = storageModel.chargeOperationVariablesOptimum[ esM.investmentPeriodNames[ip] ].loc[compName] tsDischarge = storageModel.dischargeOperationVariablesOptimum[ esM.investmentPeriodNames[ip] ].loc[compName] simultaneousOperation = dict() for region in tsCharge.index: _tsCharge = tsCharge.loc[region] _tsDischarge = tsDischarge.loc[region] _tsCharge = _tsCharge.rename("Charge") _tsDischarge = _tsDischarge.rename("Discharge") simultaneousOperation[ip][region] = pd.concat( [_tsCharge, _tsDischarge], axis=1 ) simultaneousOperation[ip][region] = simultaneousOperation[ip][region][ simultaneousOperation[region] > threshold ].dropna() # If no simultaneous charge and discharge occurs ts[region][ts[region] > 0] will only return nan values. After # dropping them if len(esM.investmentPeriodsList) == 1: # for single year optimization return simultaneousOperation[esM.investmentPeriodNames[0]] else: return simultaneousOperation