xarray: inputs and outputs

Descriptions of the basic functions are given below.

Function descriptions:

xarrayIO.convertOptimizationInputToDatasets(esM, useProcessedValues=False)[source]

Takes esM instance input and converts it into xarray datasets.


esM (EnergySystemModel instance) – EnergySystemModel instance in which the model is held

Default arguments:

param useProcessedValues:

True if the raw values should be over-written by processed values, False otherwise. A requirement for perfect-foresight and by extension for spatial and technology aggregations
* the default value is False

type useProcessedValues:



xr_ds - esM instance data in xarray dataset format

Return type:


xarrayIO.convertOptimizationOutputToDatasets(esM, optSumOutputLevel=0)[source]

Takes esM instance output and converts it into an xarray dataset.

  • esM (EnergySystemModel instance) – EnergySystemModel instance in which the optimized model is held

  • optSumOutputLevel (int (0,1,2) or dict) – Output level of the optimization summary (see EnergySystemModel). Either an integer (0,1,2) which holds for all model classes or a dictionary with model class names as keys and an integer (0,1,2) for each key (e.g. {‘StorageModel’:1,’SourceSinkModel’:1,…}
    * the default value is 2


xr_ds - EnergySystemModel instance output data in xarray dataset format

Return type:


xarrayIO.writeDatasetsToNetCDF(datasets, outputFilePath='my_esm.nc', removeExisting=False, mode='a', groupPrefix=None)[source]

Saves dictionary of xarray datasets (with esM instance data) to a netCDF file.

Required arguments:


datasets (Dict[xr.Dataset]) – The xarray datasets holding all data required to set up an esM instance.

Default arguments:

  • outputFilePath (string) – output file name of the netCDF file (can include full path)
    * the default value is “my_esm.nc”

  • removeExisting (boolean) – indicates if an existing netCDF file should be removed
    * the default value is False

  • mode (string) –

    Write (‘w’) or append (‘a’) mode.

    • If mode=’w’, any existing file at this location will be overwritten.

    • If mode=’a’, existing variables will be overwritten.

    * the default value is ‘a’

  • groupPrefix (string) – if specified, multiple xarray datasets (with esM instance data) are saved to the same netcdf file. The dictionary structure is then {group_prefix}/{group}/{…} instead of {group}/{…}
    * the default value is None


Takes dictionary of xarray datasets (with esM instance data) and converts it to an esM instance.


datasets (Dict[xr.Dataset]) – The xarray datasets holding all data required to set up an esM instance.


esM - EnergySystemModel instance

Return type:

EnergySystemModel instance

xarrayIO.writeEnergySystemModelToNetCDF(esM, outputFilePath='my_esm.nc', overwriteExisting=False, optSumOutputLevel=0, groupPrefix=None)[source]

Write energySystemModel (input and if exists, output) to netCDF file.

  • esM (EnergySystemModel instance) – EnergySystemModel instance in which the model is held

  • outputFilePath – output file name (can include full path)
    * the default value is “my_esm.nc”

  • overwriteExisting – Overwrite existing netCDF file
    * the default value is False

  • optSumOutputLevel (int (0,1,2) or dict) – Output level of the optimization summary (see EnergySystemModel). Either an integer (0,1,2) which holds for all model classes or a dictionary with model class names as keys and an integer (0,1,2) for each key (e.g. {‘StorageModel’:1,’SourceSinkModel’:1,…}
    * the default value is 2

  • groupPrefix – if specified, multiple xarray datasets (with esM instance data) are saved to the same netcdf file. The dictionary structure is then {group_prefix}/{group}/{…} instead of {group}/{…}
    * the default value is None


Nested dictionary containing xr.Dataset with all result values for each component.

Return type:

Dict[str, Dict[str, xr.Dataset]]


Converts esM instance (input and output) into a xarray dataset.


esM (EnergySystemModel instance) – EnergySystemModel instance in which the optimized model is held


xr_dss_results - esM instance (input and output) data in xarray dataset format

Return type:


xarrayIO.readNetCDFToDatasets(filePath='my_esm.nc', groupPrefix=None)[source]

Read optimization results from grouped netCDF file to dictionary of xr.Datasets.

  • filePath (string) – output file name of netCDF file (can include full path)
    * the default value is “my_esm.nc”

  • groupPrefix (string) – if specified, multiple xarray datasets (with esM instance data) are saved to the same netcdf file. The dictionary structure is then {group_prefix}/{group}/{…} instead of {group}/{…}
    * the default value is None


Nested dictionary containing an xr.Dataset with all result values for each component.

Return type:

Nested dict

xarrayIO.readNetCDFtoEnergySystemModel(filePath, groupPrefix=None)[source]

Converts netCDF file into an EnergySystemModel instance.


filePath (string) – file name of netCDF file (can include full path) in which the esM data is stored
* the default value is “my_esm.nc”


EnergySystemModel instance

Return type:

EnergySystemModel instance