Source code for transmission

from fine.component import Component, ComponentModel
from fine import utils
import pyomo.environ as pyomo
import pandas as pd

[docs] class Transmission(Component): """ A Transmission component can transmit a commodity between locations of the energy system. """
[docs] def __init__( self, esM, name, commodity, losses=0, distances=None, hasCapacityVariable=True, capacityVariableDomain="continuous", capacityPerPlantUnit=1, hasIsBuiltBinaryVariable=False, bigM=None, operationRateMax=None, operationRateFix=None, tsaWeight=1, locationalEligibility=None, capacityMin=None, capacityMax=None, partLoadMin=None, sharedPotentialID=None, linkedQuantityID=None, capacityFix=None, commissioningMin=None, commissioningMax=None, commissioningFix=None, isBuiltFix=None, investPerCapacity=0, investIfBuilt=0, opexPerOperation=0, opexPerCapacity=0, opexIfBuilt=0, QPcostScale=0, interestRate=0.08, economicLifetime=10, technicalLifetime=None, floorTechnicalLifetime=True, balanceLimitID=None, pathwayBalanceLimitID=None, stockCommissioning=None, ): """ Constructor for creating an Transmission class instance. The Transmission component specific input arguments are described below. The general component input arguments are described in the Component class. **Required arguments:** :param commodity: to the component related commodity. :type commodity: string **Default arguments:** :param losses: relative losses per lengthUnit (lengthUnit as specified in the energy system model) in percentage of the commodity flow. This loss factor can capture simple linear losses .. math:: trans_{in, ij} = (1 - \\text{losses} \\cdot \\text{distances}) \\cdot trans_{out, ij} (with trans being the commodity flow at a certain point in time and i and j being locations in the energy system). The losses can either be given as a float or a Pandas DataFrame with location specific values. |br| * the default value is 0 :type losses: positive float (0 <= float <= 1) or Pandas DataFrame with positive values (0 <= float <= 1). The row and column indices of the DataFrame have to equal the in the energy system model specified locations. :param distances: distances between locations given in the lengthUnit (lengthUnit as specified in the energy system model). |br| * the default value is None :type distances: positive float (>= 0) or Pandas DataFrame with positive values (>= 0). The row and column indices of the DataFrame have to equal the in the energy system model specified locations. :param operationRateMax: if specified, indicates a maximum operation rate for all possible connections (both directions) of the transmission component at each time step, if required also for each investment period, by a positive float. If hasCapacityVariable is set to True, the values are given relative to the installed capacities (i.e. a value of 1 indicates a utilization of 100% of the capacity). If hasCapacityVariable is set to False, the values are given as absolute values in form of the commodityUnit, referring to the transmitted commodity (before considering losses) during one time step. |br| * the default value is None :type operationRateMax: * None * Pandas DataFrame with positive (>= 0) entries. The row indices have to match the in the energy system model specified time steps. The column indices are combinations of locations (as defined in the energy system model), separated by a underscore (e.g. "location1_location2"). The first location indicates where the commodity is coming from. The second location indicates where the commodity is going too. If a flow is specified from location i to location j, it also has to be specified from j to i. * a dictionary with investment periods as keys and one of the two options above as values. :param operationRateFix: if specified, indicates a fixed operation rate for all possible connections (both directions) of the transmission component at each time step, if required also for each investment period, by a positive float. If hasCapacityVariable is set to True, the values are given relative to the installed capacities (i.e. a value of 1 indicates a utilization of 100% of the capacity). If hasCapacityVariable is set to False, the values are given as absolute values in form of the commodityUnit, referring to the transmitted commodity (before considering losses) during one time step. |br| * the default value is None :type operationRateFix: * None * Pandas DataFrame with positive (>= 0). The row indices have to match the in the energy system model specified time steps. The column indices are combinations of locations (as defined in the energy system model), separated by a underscore (e.g. "location1_location2"). The first location indicates where the commodity is coming from. The second one location indicates where the commodity is going too. If a flow is specified from location i to location j, it also has to be specified from j to i. * a dictionary with investment periods as keys and one of the two options above as values. :param tsaWeight: weight with which the time series of the component should be considered when applying time series aggregation. |br| * the default value is 1 :type tsaWeight: positive (>= 0) float :param opexPerOperation: describes the cost for one unit of the operation. The cost which is directly proportional to the operation of the component is obtained by multiplying the opexPerOperation parameter with the annual sum of the operational time series of the components. The opexPerOperation can either be given as a float or a Pandas DataFrame with location specific values or a dictionary per investment period with one of the previous options. The cost unit in which the parameter is given has to match the one specified in the energy system model (e.g. Euro, Dollar, 1e6 Euro). The value has to match the unit costUnit/operationUnit (e.g. Euro/kWh, Dollar/kWh). |br| * the default value is 0 :type opexPerOperation: * positive (>=0) float * Pandas DataFrame with positive (>=0).The row and column indices of the DataFrame have to equal the in the energy system model specified locations. * a dictionary with investment periods as keys and one of the two options above as values. :param balanceLimitID: ID for the respective balance limit (out of the balance limits introduced in the esM). Should be specified if the respective component of the TransmissionModel is supposed to be included in the balance analysis. If the commodity is transported out of the region, it is counted as a negative, if it is imported into the region it is considered positive. |br| * the default value is None :type balanceLimitID: string :param pathwayBalanceLimitID: similar to balanceLimitID just as restriction over the entire pathway. |br| * the default value is None :type pathwayBalanceLimitID: string """ # TODO add unit checks self.capacityMax = capacityMax self.capacityMin = capacityMin self.capacityFix = capacityFix self.commissioningMax = commissioningMax self.commissioningMin = commissioningMin self.commissioningFix = commissioningFix # Preprocess two-dimensional data self.locationalEligibility = utils.preprocess2dimData(locationalEligibility) preprocessedCapacityMax = utils.process2dimCapacityData( esM, "capacityMax", capacityMax, esM.investmentPeriods, ) preprocessedCapacityFix = utils.process2dimCapacityData( esM, "capacityFix", capacityFix, esM.investmentPeriods, ) self.isBuiltFix = utils.preprocess2dimData( isBuiltFix, locationalEligibility=locationalEligibility ) # Set locational eligibility if operationRateFix is None: operationTimeSeries = operationRateMax elif not isinstance(operationRateFix, dict): operationTimeSeries = operationRateFix elif isinstance(operationRateFix, dict) and any( x is not None for x in operationRateFix.values() ): if not all(x is not None for x in operationRateFix.values()): raise ValueError() operationTimeSeries = operationRateFix else: operationTimeSeries = operationRateMax if not isinstance(operationTimeSeries, dict): operationTimeSeries = dict.fromkeys( esM.investmentPeriods, operationTimeSeries ) if all(x is None for x in operationTimeSeries.values()): operationTimeSeries = None self.locationalEligibility = utils.setLocationalEligibility( esM, self.locationalEligibility, preprocessedCapacityMax, preprocessedCapacityFix, self.isBuiltFix, hasCapacityVariable, operationTimeSeries, "2dim", ) self._mapC, self._mapL, self._mapI = {}, {}, {} for loc1 in esM.locations: for loc2 in esM.locations: if loc1 + "_" + loc2 in self.locationalEligibility.index: if self.locationalEligibility[loc1 + "_" + loc2] == 0: self.locationalEligibility.drop( labels=loc1 + "_" + loc2, inplace=True ) self._mapC.update({loc1 + "_" + loc2: (loc1, loc2)}) self._mapL.setdefault(loc1, {}).update({loc2: loc1 + "_" + loc2}) self._mapI.update({loc1 + "_" + loc2: loc2 + "_" + loc1}) # capacity parameter preprocessedCapacityMax = utils.preprocess2dimData( capacityMax, self._mapC, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility ) preprocessedCapacityFix = utils.preprocess2dimData( capacityFix, self._mapC, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility ) preprocessedCapacityMin = utils.preprocess2dimData( capacityMin, self._mapC, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility ) preprocessedCommissioningMin = utils.preprocess2dimData( commissioningMin, self._mapC, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility, ) preprocessedCommissioningMax = utils.preprocess2dimData( commissioningMax, self._mapC, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility, ) preprocessedCommissioningFix = utils.preprocess2dimData( commissioningFix, self._mapC, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility, ) # stockCommissioning if stockCommissioning is None: self.stockCommissioning = stockCommissioning elif isinstance(stockCommissioning, dict): self.stockCommissioning = {} for potential_ip in stockCommissioning.keys(): self.stockCommissioning[potential_ip] = utils.preprocess2dimData( stockCommissioning[potential_ip], locationalEligibility=locationalEligibility, ) else: raise ValueError("stockCommissioning must be None or a dict.") self.isBuiltFix = utils.preprocess2dimData( isBuiltFix, self._mapC, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility ) self.interestRate = utils.preprocess2dimData(interestRate, self._mapC) self.economicLifetime = utils.preprocess2dimData(economicLifetime, self._mapC) self.technicalLifetime = utils.preprocess2dimData(technicalLifetime, self._mapC) self.balanceLimitID = balanceLimitID self.pathwayBalanceLimitID = pathwayBalanceLimitID Component.__init__( self, esM, name, dimension="2dim", hasCapacityVariable=hasCapacityVariable, capacityVariableDomain=capacityVariableDomain, capacityPerPlantUnit=capacityPerPlantUnit, hasIsBuiltBinaryVariable=hasIsBuiltBinaryVariable, bigM=bigM, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility, capacityMin=preprocessedCapacityMin, capacityMax=preprocessedCapacityMax, partLoadMin=partLoadMin, sharedPotentialID=sharedPotentialID, linkedQuantityID=linkedQuantityID, capacityFix=preprocessedCapacityFix, commissioningMin=preprocessedCommissioningMin, commissioningMax=preprocessedCommissioningMax, commissioningFix=preprocessedCommissioningFix, isBuiltFix=self.isBuiltFix, investPerCapacity=0, investIfBuilt=0, opexPerCapacity=0, opexIfBuilt=0, interestRate=self.interestRate, QPcostScale=QPcostScale, economicLifetime=self.economicLifetime, technicalLifetime=self.technicalLifetime, floorTechnicalLifetime=floorTechnicalLifetime, stockCommissioning=self.stockCommissioning, ) # Set general component data utils.checkCommodities(esM, {commodity}) self.commodity, self.commodityUnit = ( commodity, esM.commodityUnitsDict[commodity], ) self.distances = utils.preprocess2dimData( distances, self._mapC, locationalEligibility=self.locationalEligibility ) self.losses = utils.preprocess2dimData(losses, self._mapC) self.distances = utils.checkAndSetDistances( self.distances, self.locationalEligibility, esM ) self.losses = utils.checkAndSetTransmissionLosses( self.losses, self.distances, self.locationalEligibility ) self.modelingClass = TransmissionModel # these are initialized with 0 in the component.__init__ and overwritten here, # due to its different structure otherwise the tests fail in the component self.investPerCapacity = investPerCapacity self.preprocessedInvestPerCapacity = utils.preprocess2dimInvestmentPeriodData( esM, "investPerCapacity", investPerCapacity, self.processedStockYears + esM.investmentPeriods, mapC=self._mapC, ) self.investIfBuilt = investIfBuilt self.preprocessedInvestIfBuilt = utils.preprocess2dimInvestmentPeriodData( esM, "investIfBuilt", investIfBuilt, self.processedStockYears + esM.investmentPeriods, mapC=self._mapC, ) self.opexPerCapacity = opexPerCapacity self.preprocessedOpexPerCapacity = utils.preprocess2dimInvestmentPeriodData( esM, "opexPerCapacity", opexPerCapacity, self.processedStockYears + esM.investmentPeriods, mapC=self._mapC, ) self.opexIfBuilt = opexIfBuilt self.preprocessedOpexIfBuilt = utils.preprocess2dimInvestmentPeriodData( esM, "opexIfBuilt", opexIfBuilt, self.processedStockYears + esM.investmentPeriods, mapC=self._mapC, ) # Set distance related costs data self.processedInvestPerCapacity = {} self.processedInvestIfBuilt = {} self.processedOpexPerCapacity = {} self.processedOpexIfBuilt = {} for year in self.processedStockYears + esM.investmentPeriods: self.processedInvestPerCapacity[year] = ( utils.preprocess2dimData( self.preprocessedInvestPerCapacity[year], self._mapC, self.locationalEligibility, ) * self.distances * 0.5 ) self.processedInvestIfBuilt[year] = ( utils.preprocess2dimData( self.preprocessedInvestIfBuilt[year], self._mapC, self.locationalEligibility, ) * self.distances * 0.5 ) self.processedOpexPerCapacity[year] = ( utils.preprocess2dimData( self.preprocessedOpexPerCapacity[year], self._mapC, self.locationalEligibility, ) * self.distances * 0.5 ) self.processedOpexIfBuilt[year] = ( utils.preprocess2dimData( self.preprocessedOpexIfBuilt[year], self._mapC, self.locationalEligibility, ) * self.distances * 0.5 ) # Set additional economic data # opexPerOperation self.opexPerOperation = utils.preprocess2dimData(opexPerOperation, self._mapC) self.processedOpexPerOperation = utils.checkAndSetInvestmentPeriodCostParameter( esM, name, self.opexPerOperation, "2dim", self.locationalEligibility, esM.investmentPeriods, ) # operationRateMax self.operationRateMax = operationRateMax self.fullOperationRateMax = utils.checkAndSetInvestmentPeriodTimeSeries( esM, name, operationRateMax, self.locationalEligibility, "2dim" ) self.aggregatedOperationRateMax = dict.fromkeys(esM.investmentPeriods) self.processedOperationRateMax = dict.fromkeys(esM.investmentPeriods) # operationRateFix self.operationRateFix = operationRateFix self.fullOperationRateFix = utils.checkAndSetInvestmentPeriodTimeSeries( esM, name, operationRateFix, self.locationalEligibility, "2dim" ) self.aggregatedOperationRateFix = dict.fromkeys(esM.investmentPeriods) self.processedOperationRateFix = dict.fromkeys(esM.investmentPeriods) # partLoadMin self.processedPartLoadMin = utils.checkAndSetPartLoadMin( esM, name, partLoadMin, self.fullOperationRateMax, self.fullOperationRateFix, self.bigM, self.hasCapacityVariable, ) utils.isPositiveNumber(tsaWeight) self.tsaWeight = tsaWeight # set parameter to None if all years have None values self.fullOperationRateFix = utils.setParamToNoneIfNoneForAllYears( self.fullOperationRateFix ) self.fullOperationRateMax = utils.setParamToNoneIfNoneForAllYears( self.fullOperationRateMax ) # set processed location eligiblity # TODO implement check and set self.processedLocationalEligibility = self.locationalEligibility
[docs] def setTimeSeriesData(self, hasTSA): """ Function for setting the maximum operation rate and fixed operation rate depending on whether a time series analysis is requested or not. :param hasTSA: states whether a time series aggregation is requested (True) or not (False). :type hasTSA: boolean """ self.processedOperationRateMax = ( self.aggregatedOperationRateMax if hasTSA else self.fullOperationRateMax ) self.processedOperationRateFix = ( self.aggregatedOperationRateFix if hasTSA else self.fullOperationRateFix )
[docs] def getDataForTimeSeriesAggregation(self, ip): """Function for getting the required data if a time series aggregation is requested. :param ip: investment period of transformation path analysis. :type ip: int """ weightDict, data = {}, [] if self.fullOperationRateFix: weightDict, data = self.prepareTSAInput( self.fullOperationRateFix, "_operationRateFix_", self.tsaWeight, weightDict, data, ip, ) if self.fullOperationRateMax: weightDict, data = self.prepareTSAInput( self.fullOperationRateMax, "_operationRateMax_", self.tsaWeight, weightDict, data, ip, ) return (pd.concat(data, axis=1), weightDict) if data else (None, {})
[docs] def setAggregatedTimeSeriesData(self, data, ip): """ Function for determining the aggregated maximum rate and the aggregated fixed operation rate. :param data: Pandas DataFrame with the clustered time series data of the conversion component :type data: Pandas DataFrame :param ip: investment period of transformation path analysis. :type ip: int """ self.aggregatedOperationRateFix[ip] = self.getTSAOutput( self.fullOperationRateFix, "_operationRateFix_", data, ip ) self.aggregatedOperationRateMax[ip] = self.getTSAOutput( self.fullOperationRateMax, "_operationRateMax_", data, ip )
[docs] def checkProcessedDataSets(self): """ Check processed time series data after applying time series aggregation. If all entries of dictionary are None the parameter itself is set to None. """ for parameter in ["processedOperationRateFix", "processedOperationRateMax"]: setattr( self, parameter, utils.setParamToNoneIfNoneForAllYears(getattr(self, parameter)), )
[docs] class TransmissionModel(ComponentModel): """ A TransmissionModel class instance will be instantly created if a Transmission class instance is initialized. It is used for the declaration of the sets, variables and constraints which are valid for the Transmission class instance. These declarations are necessary for the modeling and optimization of the energy system model. The TransmissionModel class inherits from the ComponentModel class. """ def __init__(self): """ " Constructor for creating a TransmissionModel class instance""" super().__init__() self.abbrvName = "trans" self.dimension = "2dim" self._operationVariablesOptimum = {} self._isBuiltVariablesOptimum = {} #################################################################################################################### # Declare sparse index sets # ####################################################################################################################
[docs] def declareSets(self, esM, pyM): """ Declare sets: design variable sets, operation variable set and operation mode sets. :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: esM - EnergySystemModel class instance :param pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel which stores the mathematical formulation of the model. :type pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel """ # # Declare design variable sets self.declareDesignVarSet(pyM, esM) self.declareCommissioningVarSet(pyM, esM) self.declareContinuousDesignVarSet(pyM) self.declareDiscreteDesignVarSet(pyM) self.declareDesignDecisionVarSet(pyM) # Declare design pathway sets self.declarePathwaySets(pyM, esM) self.declareLocationComponentSet(pyM) # Declare operation variable set self.declareOpVarSet(esM, pyM) # Declare operation mode sets self.declareOperationModeSets( pyM, "opConstrSet", "operationRateMax", "operationRateFix" )
#################################################################################################################### # Declare variables # ####################################################################################################################
[docs] def declareVariables(self, esM, pyM, relaxIsBuiltBinary, relevanceThreshold): """ Declare design and operation variables :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: esM - EnergySystemModel class instance :param pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel which stores the mathematical formulation of the model. :type pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel :param relaxIsBuiltBinary: states if the optimization problem should be solved as a relaxed LP to get the lower bound of the problem. |br| * the default value is False :type declaresOptimizationProblem: boolean :param relevanceThreshold: Force operation parameters to be 0 if values are below the relevance threshold. |br| * the default value is None :type relevanceThreshold: float (>=0) or None """ # Capacity variables [commodityUnit] self.declareCapacityVars(pyM) # (Continuous) numbers of installed components [-] self.declareRealNumbersVars(pyM) # (Discrete/integer) numbers of installed components [-] self.declareIntNumbersVars(pyM) # Binary variables [-] indicating if a component is considered at a location or not self.declareBinaryDesignDecisionVars(pyM, relaxIsBuiltBinary) # Operation of component [commodityUnit] self.declareOperationVars(pyM, esM, "op", relevanceThreshold=relevanceThreshold) # Operation of component as binary [1/0] self.declareOperationBinaryVars(pyM, "op_bin") # Capacity development variables [physicalUnit] self.declareCommissioningVars(pyM, esM) self.declareDecommissioningVars(pyM, esM)
#################################################################################################################### # Declare component constraints # ####################################################################################################################
[docs] def symmetricalCapacity(self, pyM): """ Ensure that the capacity between location_1 and location_2 is the same as the one between location_2 and location_1. .. math:: cap^{comp}_{(loc_1,loc_2)} = cap^{comp}_{(loc_2,loc_1)} :param pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel which stores the mathematical formulation of the model. :type pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel """ compDict, abbrvName = self.componentsDict, self.abbrvName capVar, capVarSet = ( getattr(pyM, "cap_" + abbrvName), getattr(pyM, "designDimensionVarSet_" + abbrvName), ) def symmetricalCapacity(pyM, loc, compName, ip): return ( capVar[loc, compName, ip] == capVar[compDict[compName]._mapI[loc], compName, ip] ) setattr( pyM, "ConstrSymmetricalCapacity_" + abbrvName, pyomo.Constraint(capVarSet, rule=symmetricalCapacity), )
[docs] def operationMode1_2dim(self, pyM, esM, constrName, constrSetName, opVarName): """ Declare the constraint that the operation [commodityUnit*hour] is limited by the installed capacity [commodityUnit] multiplied by the hours per time step. Since the flow should either go in one direction or the other, the limitation can be enforced on the sum of the forward and backward flow over the line. This leads to one of the flow variables being set to zero if a basic solution is obtained during optimization. .. math:: op^{comp,op}_{(loc_1,loc_2),ip,p,t} + op^{op}_{(loc_2,loc_1),ip,p,t} \leq \\tau^{hours} \cdot \\text{cap}^{comp}_{(loc_{in},loc_{out})} :param pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel which stores the mathematical formulation of the model. :type pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: esM - EnergySystemModel class instance """ compDict, abbrvName = self.componentsDict, self.abbrvName opVar, capVar = ( getattr(pyM, opVarName + "_" + abbrvName), getattr(pyM, "cap_" + abbrvName), ) constrSet1 = getattr(pyM, constrSetName + "1_" + abbrvName) if not pyM.hasSegmentation: def op1(pyM, loc, compName, ip, p, t): return ( opVar[loc, compName, ip, p, t] + opVar[compDict[compName]._mapI[loc], compName, ip, p, t] <= capVar[loc, compName, ip] * esM.hoursPerTimeStep ) setattr( pyM, constrName + "_" + abbrvName, pyomo.Constraint(constrSet1, pyM.intraYearTimeSet, rule=op1), ) else: def op1(pyM, loc, compName, ip, p, t): return ( opVar[loc, compName, ip, p, t] + opVar[compDict[compName]._mapI[loc], compName, ip, p, t] <= capVar[loc, compName, ip] * esM.hoursPerSegment[ip].to_dict()[p, t] ) setattr( pyM, constrName + "_" + abbrvName, pyomo.Constraint(constrSet1, pyM.intraYearTimeSet, rule=op1), )
[docs] def declareComponentConstraints(self, esM, pyM): """ Declare time independent and dependent constraints :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: esM - EnergySystemModel class instance :param pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel which stores the mathematical formulation of the model. :type pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel """ ################################################################################################################ # Declare time independent constraints # ################################################################################################################ # Determine the components' capacities from the number of installed units self.capToNbReal(pyM) # Determine the components' capacities from the number of installed units self.capToNbInt(pyM) # Enforce the consideration of the binary design variables of a component self.bigM(pyM) # Enforce the consideration of minimum capacities for components with design decision variables self.capacityMinDec(pyM) # Set, if applicable, the installed capacities of a component self.capacityFix(pyM, esM) # Set, if applicable, the binary design variables of a component self.designBinFix(pyM) # Enforce the equality of the capacities cap_loc1_loc2 and cap_loc2_loc1 self.symmetricalCapacity(pyM) ################################################################################################################ # Declare pathway constraints # ################################################################################################################ # Set capacity development constraints over investment periods self.designDevelopmentConstraint(pyM, esM) self.decommissioningConstraint(pyM, esM) self.stockCapacityConstraint(pyM, esM) self.stockCommissioningConstraint(pyM, esM) ################################################################################################################ # Declare time dependent constraints # ################################################################################################################ # Operation [commodityUnit*h] is limited by the installed capacity [commodityUnit] multiplied by the hours per # time step [h] self.operationMode1_2dim(pyM, esM, "ConstrOperation", "opConstrSet", "op") # Operation [commodityUnit*h] is equal to the installed capacity [commodityUnit] multiplied by operation time # series [-] and the hours per time step [h] self.operationMode2(pyM, esM, "ConstrOperation", "opConstrSet", "op") # Operation [commodityUnit*h] is limited by the installed capacity [commodityUnit] multiplied by operation time # series [-] and the hours per time step [h] self.operationMode3(pyM, esM, "ConstrOperation", "opConstrSet", "op") # Operation [physicalUnit*h] is limited by minimum part Load self.additionalMinPartLoad( pyM, esM, "ConstrOperation", "opConstrSet", "op", "op_bin", "cap" )
#################################################################################################################### # Declare component contributions to basic EnergySystemModel constraints and its objective function # ####################################################################################################################
[docs] def hasOpVariablesForLocationCommodity(self, esM, loc, commod): """ Check if the commodity´s transfer between a given location and the other locations of the energy system model is eligible. :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: esM - EnergySystemModel class instance :param loc: Name of the regarded location (locations are defined in the EnergySystemModel instance) :type loc: string :param commod: Name of the regarded commodity (commodities are defined in the EnergySystemModel instance) :param commod: string """ return any( [ comp.commodity == commod and ( loc + "_" + loc_ in comp.processedLocationalEligibility.index or loc_ + "_" + loc in comp.processedLocationalEligibility.index ) for comp in self.componentsDict.values() for loc_ in esM.locations ] )
[docs] def getCommodityBalanceContribution(self, pyM, commod, loc, ip, p, t): """ Get contribution to a commodity balance. .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray*} \\text{C}^{comp,comm}_{loc,ip,p,t} = & & \\underset{\substack{(loc_{in},loc_{out}) \in \\ \mathcal{L}^{tans}: loc_{in}=loc}}{ \sum } \left(1-\eta_{(loc_{in},loc_{out})} \cdot I_{(loc_{in},loc_{out})} \\right) \cdot op^{comp,op}_{(loc_{in},loc_{out}),ip,p,t} \\\\ & - & \\underset{\substack{(loc_{in},loc_{out}) \in \\ \mathcal{L}^{tans}:loc_{out}=loc}}{ \sum } op^{comp,op}_{(loc_{in},loc_{out}),ip,p,t} \\end{eqnarray*} """ compDict, abbrvName = self.componentsDict, self.abbrvName opVar, opVarDictIn = ( getattr(pyM, "op_" + abbrvName), getattr(pyM, "operationVarDictIn_" + abbrvName), ) opVarDictOut = getattr(pyM, "operationVarDictOut_" + abbrvName) return sum( opVar[loc_ + "_" + loc, compName, ip, p, t] * ( 1 - compDict[compName].losses[loc_ + "_" + loc] * compDict[compName].distances[loc_ + "_" + loc] ) for loc_ in opVarDictIn[ip][loc].keys() for compName in opVarDictIn[ip][loc][loc_] if commod == compDict[compName].commodity ) - sum( opVar[loc + "_" + loc_, compName, ip, p, t] for loc_ in opVarDictOut[ip][loc].keys() for compName in opVarDictOut[ip][loc][loc_] if commod == compDict[compName].commodity )
[docs] def getBalanceLimitContribution( self, esM, pyM, ID, ip, loc, timeSeriesAggregation, componentNames ): """ Get contribution to balanceLimitConstraint (Further read in EnergySystemModel). Sum of the operation time series of a Transmission component is used as the balanceLimit contribution: - If commodity is transferred out of region a negative sign is used. - If commodity is transferred into region a positive sign is used and losses are considered. Sum of the operation time series of a Transmission component is used as the balanceLimit contribution: :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: esM - EnergySystemModel class instance :param pym: pyomo ConcreteModel which stores the mathematical formulation of the model. :type pym: pyomo ConcreteModel :param ip: investment period of transformation path analysis. :type ip: int :param ID: ID of the regarded balanceLimitConstraint :param ID: string :param timeSeriesAggregation: states if the optimization of the energy system model should be done with (a) the full time series (False) or (b) clustered time series data (True). :type timeSeriesAggregation: boolean :param loc: Name of the regarded location (locations are defined in the EnergySystemModel instance) :type loc: string :param componentNames: Names of components which contribute to the balance limit :type componentNames: list """ compDict, abbrvName = self.componentsDict, self.abbrvName opVar = getattr(pyM, "op_" + abbrvName) opVarDictIn = getattr(pyM, "operationVarDictIn_" + abbrvName) opVarDictOut = getattr(pyM, "operationVarDictOut_" + abbrvName) if timeSeriesAggregation: periods = esM.typicalPeriods if esM.segmentation: timeSteps = esM.segmentsPerPeriod else: timeSteps = esM.timeStepsPerPeriod else: periods = esM.periods timeSteps = esM.totalTimeSteps aut = sum( opVar[loc_ + "_" + loc, compName, ip, p, t] * ( 1 - compDict[compName].losses[loc_ + "_" + loc] * compDict[compName].distances[loc_ + "_" + loc] ) * esM.periodOccurrences[ip][p] for loc_ in opVarDictIn[ip][loc].keys() for compName in opVarDictIn[ip][loc][loc_] if compName in componentNames for p in periods for t in timeSteps ) - sum( opVar[loc + "_" + loc_, compName, ip, p, t] * esM.periodOccurrences[ip][p] for loc_ in opVarDictOut[ip][loc].keys() for compName in opVarDictOut[ip][loc][loc_] if compName in componentNames for p in periods for t in timeSteps ) return aut
[docs] def getObjectiveFunctionContribution(self, esM, pyM): """ Get contribution to the objective function. :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: esM - EnergySystemModel class instance :param pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel which stores the mathematical formulation of the model. :type pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel """ opexOp = self.getEconomicsOperation( pyM, esM, "TD", ["processedOpexPerOperation"], "op", "operationVarDictOut" ) capexCap = self.getEconomicsDesign( pyM, esM, factorNames=["processedInvestPerCapacity", "QPcostDev"], QPfactorNames=["processedQPcostScale", "processedInvestPerCapacity"], lifetimeAttr="ipEconomicLifetime", varName="commis", divisorName="CCF", QPdivisorNames=["QPbound", "CCF"], ) capexDec = self.getEconomicsDesign( pyM, esM, factorNames=["processedInvestIfBuilt"], lifetimeAttr="ipEconomicLifetime", varName="commisBin", divisorName="CCF", ) opexCap = self.getEconomicsDesign( pyM, esM, factorNames=["processedOpexPerCapacity", "QPcostDev"], QPfactorNames=["processedQPcostScale", "processedOpexPerCapacity"], lifetimeAttr="ipTechnicalLifetime", varName="commis", QPdivisorNames=["QPbound"], ) opexDec = self.getEconomicsDesign( pyM, esM, factorNames=["processedOpexIfBuilt"], lifetimeAttr="ipTechnicalLifetime", varName="commisBin", ) return opexOp + capexCap + capexDec + opexCap + opexDec
[docs] def setOptimalValues(self, esM, pyM): """ Set the optimal values of the components. :param esM: EnergySystemModel instance representing the energy system in which the component should be modeled. :type esM: esM - EnergySystemModel class instance :param pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel which stores the mathematical formulation of the model. :type pyM: pyomo ConcreteModel """ compDict, abbrvName = self.componentsDict, self.abbrvName opVar = getattr(pyM, "op_" + abbrvName) mapC = { loc1 + "_" + loc2: (loc1, loc2) for loc1 in esM.locations for loc2 in esM.locations } # Set optimal design dimension variables and get basic optimization summary optSummaryBasic = super().setOptimalValues( esM, pyM, mapC.keys(), "commodityUnit" ) # Get class related results resultsTAC_opexOp = self.getEconomicsOperation( pyM, esM, "TD", ["processedOpexPerOperation"], "op", "operationVarDict", getOptValue=True, getOptValueCostType="TAC", ) resultsNPV_opexOp = self.getEconomicsOperation( pyM, esM, "TD", ["processedOpexPerOperation"], "op", "operationVarDict", getOptValue=True, getOptValueCostType="NPV", ) for ip in esM.investmentPeriods: for compName, comp in compDict.items(): for cost in [ "invest", "capexCap", "capexIfBuilt", "opexCap", "opexIfBuilt", "TAC", ]: data = optSummaryBasic[esM.investmentPeriodNames[ip]].loc[ compName, cost ] optSummaryBasic[esM.investmentPeriodNames[ip]].loc[ compName, cost ] = (data).values # Set optimal operation variables and append optimization summary optVal = utils.formatOptimizationOutput( opVar.get_values(), "operationVariables", "1dim", ip, esM.periodsOrder[ip], esM=esM, ) optVal_ = utils.formatOptimizationOutput( opVar.get_values(), "operationVariables", "2dim", ip, esM.periodsOrder[ip], compDict=compDict, esM=esM, ) self._operationVariablesOptimum[esM.investmentPeriodNames[ip]] = optVal_ props = ["operation", "opexOp", "NPV_opexOp"] # Unit dict: Specify units for props units = { props[0]: ["[-*h]", "[-*h/a]"], props[1]: ["[" + esM.costUnit + "/a]"], props[2]: ["[" + esM.costUnit + "/a]"], } # Create tuples for the optSummary's multiIndex. Combine component with the respective properties and units. tuples = [ (compName, prop, unit) for compName in compDict.keys() for prop in props for unit in units[prop] ] # Replace placeholder with correct unit of component tuples = list( map( lambda x: ( ( x[0], x[1], x[2].replace("-", compDict[x[0]].commodityUnit), ) if x[1] == "operation" else x ), tuples, ) ) mIndex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( tuples, names=["Component", "Property", "Unit"] ) optSummary = pd.DataFrame( index=mIndex, columns=sorted(mapC.keys()) ).sort_index() if optVal is not None: opSum = optVal.sum(axis=1).unstack(-1) optSummary.loc[ [ (ix, "operation", "[" + compDict[ix].commodityUnit + "*h/a]") for ix in opSum.index ], opSum.columns, ] = ( opSum.values / esM.numberOfYears ) optSummary.loc[ [ (ix, "operation", "[" + compDict[ix].commodityUnit + "*h]") for ix in opSum.index ], opSum.columns, ] = opSum.values tac_ox = resultsTAC_opexOp[ip] optSummary.loc[ [(ix, "opexOp", "[" + esM.costUnit + "/a]") for ix in tac_ox.index], tac_ox.columns, ] = tac_ox.values npv_ox = resultsNPV_opexOp[ip] optSummary.loc[ [(ix, "opexOp", "[" + esM.costUnit + "/a]") for ix in npv_ox.index], npv_ox.columns, ] = npv_ox.values optSummaryBasic_frame = optSummaryBasic[esM.investmentPeriodNames[ip]] if isinstance(optSummaryBasic_frame, pd.Series): optSummaryBasic_frame = optSummaryBasic_frame.to_frame().T optSummary = pd.concat( [ optSummary, optSummaryBasic_frame, ], axis=0, ).sort_index() # Summarize all contributions to the total annual cost optSummary.loc[optSummary.index.get_level_values(1) == "TAC"] = ( optSummary.loc[ (optSummary.index.get_level_values(1) == "TAC") | (optSummary.index.get_level_values(1) == "opexOp") ] .groupby(level=0) .sum() .values ) # Update the NPV contribution optSummary.loc[ optSummary.index.get_level_values(1) == "NPVcontribution" ] = ( optSummary.loc[ (optSummary.index.get_level_values(1) == "NPVcontribution") | (optSummary.index.get_level_values(1) == "NPV_opexOp") ] .groupby(level=0) .sum() .values ) # Delete details of NPV contribution optSummary = optSummary.drop("NPV_opexOp", level=1) # Split connection indices to two location indices optSummary = optSummary.stack() indexNew = [] for tup in optSummary.index.tolist(): loc1, loc2 = mapC[tup[3]] indexNew.append((tup[0], tup[1], tup[2], loc1, loc2)) optSummary.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(indexNew) optSummary = optSummary.unstack(level=-1) names = list(optSummaryBasic[esM.investmentPeriodNames[ip]].index.names) names.append("LocationIn") optSummary.index.set_names(names, inplace=True) self._optSummary[esM.investmentPeriodNames[ip]] = optSummary
[docs] def getOptimalValues(self, name="all", ip=0): """ Return optimal values of the components. :param name: name of the variables of which the optimal values should be returned: * '_capacityVariables', * '_isBuiltVariables', * '_operationVariablesOptimum', * 'all' or another input: all variables are returned. |br| * the default value is 'all' :type name: string :returns: a dictionary with the optimal values of the components :rtype: dict """ return super().getOptimalValues(name, ip=ip)